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Asia Entrepreneurship Skill Associations, a nonprofit organization, for capacitating Entrepreneurship skill & Industry Ready Concept providers with sustained entrepreneurship development of the trainees. The collaboration would support the establishment of ‘Entrepreneurship Support Program’, which is intended to create to remove unemploymentof training providers, Institutions & Rural Areas with self-employment/ entrepreneurial assistance for the skilled candidates.

The association would facilitate training of Marketing team/ trainers/facilitators (as Asia Entrepreneurship’) of the envisioned Industrial partner, who will handhold skill trainees to nurture their entrepreneurial action plan. This would include various aspects of developing a business model, seeking financial guidance, availing services of banks/ agencies for loans and other statutory requirements.

The Asia entrepreneurship skill associations provided by those Entrepreneur’s Partner is proposed to help aspirants in exploring new avenues and facilitating & Entrepreneurship development support for enhancing employability across the Asia.

मुख्य उद्देश्य


Asia Entrepreneurship Skill Associations का मुख्य उद्देश्य हमारे देश के लोगो की बेरोजगारी दूर करना हैं और उन्हें स्वरोज़गार की ओर अग्रसर करना हैं इसी उद्देश्य के साथ काम करने के लिए एक छोटी शुरुआत हैं.अगर आपको कोई बिज़नेस या कोई उद्योग की शुरुआत करनी हैं तो हमारी संस्था आपको हर सहयोग करेगी. ट्रेनिंग और उद्योग के बारे में हर छोटी से छोटी जानकारी आपको उपलब्ध कराएगी.

सभी बेरोज़गारो को रोज़गार प्रदान करने हेतु प्रशिक्षण और रोज़गार के अवसर प्रदान करना ,और समय समय पर बेरोज़गारो के लिए रोज़गार मेला का आयोजन करना

संस्था समय समय पर प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम का आयोजन पाठ्क्रम द्वारा करेगी। इसमें न सिर्फ उद्योग लगाने के तरीके बताए जाते हैं बल्कि उद्योग की बारीकियां भी सिखाई जाती हैं। आप भी इस प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम का हिस्सा बनकर खुद का उद्योग स्थापित कर सकते हैँ।


कौशल भारत सम्पूर्ण भारत

News & Updates

\" मंत्रा\"
सभी देशवासियों से मेरा अपील है । आपलोगो को पहले से पता होगा कि गर्मी से करोना वायरस मर जाता है । हमारे मेडिकल टीम ने अभी अभी यह खोज निकाला है कि शरीर के अंदर का तापमान बढ़ा देने से कोरोना का प्रभाव 90% कम हो जाती है । इसके लिए आप नीचे दी गई सभी सामग्रियों का सेवन करना लगातार शुरू कर दे ।
1 दिन में 2 बार 2-2 कच्चे लहसुन का सेवन करे ।
2 दूध में डाल कर प्रत्येक दिन 1 चम्मच हल्दी का सेवन नियमित करें।
*3 अनार एवं पपीता का सेवन जरूर करें।
4 ग्रीन टी का प्रयोग नियमित करें।
5 आजवाइन,तुलसी पत्ता,काली मिर्च,अदरक का काढ़ा बनाकर नियमित ले।
*इसे अधिक से अधिक शेयर करे ताकि इसका लाभ लोग को अधिक से अधिक मिले

आपका संघ
एशिया उद्यमिता कौशल संघ

1. Income Tax New disclosures asked in the new ITR forms 1to7 are: 1. House ownership: Individual taxpayers who are joint owners of house property cannot file ITR 1 or ITR4.

2. Passport: One needs to disclose the Passport number if held by the taxpayer. This is to be furnished both in ITR 1-Sahaj and ITR 4-Sugam. Hopefully, it will be made mandatory in other ITR Forms as and when they are notified.

3. Cash deposit: For those filing ITR 4-Sugam, it has been made compulsory to declare the amount deposited as cash in a bank account, if such amount exceeds Rs 1 crore during the FY.

4. Foreign travel: If you have spent more than Rs 2 lakh on travelling abroad during the FY, you need to disclose the actual amount spent. Read More
Hope you are doing well, We Organise board meeting on the 29th of Aug time-11 o clock. kindly Share your participations confirmation and join virtual meeting Below:-

Board Meeting 29th of Aug 2020 Time – 11:AM
Agenda of the Meeting:
1. Organizing ASIA AATM NIRBHAR Challenge & Award
2. The policy of Funding and Capital Management
3. Arbitration Center (न्याय साथी)
4. किराये से आज़ादी (Promotions)<br1. Personal Finance Management, WHY you need your Own House, Future plan for your family (Develop Awareness Program to Corporate & individual By TATA Home Finance)
2. Connect Channel for Home Finance, Flat & Plotting(Real State E), Infrastructure Design
3. COVID 19- Insurance for saving your Life
5.Center of Excellence (Business accelerator program)
Asia Entrepreneurship skill Associations presents some of the most expensive books on Science and technology worth thousands of dollars available for free download during this lockdown.. Incase anyone of you are interested you may download or you may forward the link to someone who may benefit and create Digital Library #visiondigitalinidia #digitalebooks


Partnership Benefits

Industries – Asia Entrepreneurship Skill Associations (AESA) partnership will leverage the facilities provided by AESA platform in the following summary Below:

Facilitating the Industries to the Marketing, Services & Manufacturing at Urban/Rural to develop the Entrepreneurial Support Cell

Training of Trainers of the envisioned Entrepreneurial Cell to be “Udyog Mitra” who will handhold Distributor/ Marketing Performance of the Offices /Team to develop an Industry ready Plan.

Each Institutions /University / Skill Development Centre will be able to access the AESA platform for each candidate to develop a unique business plan. By Industries, Interactive Kiosks are envisioned at your centre.

Reference & Promotions activity guides/ workbooks are being produced by Industries (From Leaders and Business Man)

All content and Strategy planning in Vernacular Language will support from Industries & AESA (website and activity guides)

Any State (Urban & Rural areas) sector specific research and guidance for starting a new business& employment.

Empanelled vendors, Distributors,Students, Institutions, Skill Centre to provide allied services for opening a new business.

Alliance with Banks, Finance Institutions and facilitating business plans for Entrepreneurs & skilled candidates which are Industry-Ready (Especially Mudra Loans & Start up India initiative).